"Find out who you are and do it on purpose."
My name is Cami Bozeman & I am your photographer, your mentor, your cheerleader, & your
neighbor. I am a lover & a fighter, a hustler, a medical professional, a cheer mom, a wife, a sister & daughter. I
love simplicity & admire adventure though I'm chronically basic.
I have the pleasure of being the mom to 2 completely amazing girls who every day inspire me
through their fun, adventurous, & strong-willed personalities; who drive me to be a better woman & role model.
I have a husband who loves me to my core & has supported all the ways in which I try to take life by the horns; Pinterest projects, career changes, attempts at operating machinery.
I believe that you are fearfully & wonderfully made by God and it is my hope to show you that through my photography.
I will openly be the first to admit that I was not made for mornings. Period. But there's something about the stillness & quiet of an early morning accompanied with a warm cup of coffee. Maybe it's the fact that still & quiet moments as a mother are far and few between that I appreicate it more. But perhaps it's because there's something about the beginnings of a new day that inspire a carpe diam sensation; similar to the fresh dedications brought on from a new year. A crackling fire, a good book, an influx of inspiration to blog about & moments all to myself like untouched snow gives me all the feels when the rest of me is spiritually & emotionally curled up in bed under 2 blankets, 1 comforter, & 13 pillows.
Is it completely ridiculous to be so incredibly obsessed with something as simple as tacos? Nay-nay. Everything is better with tacos. There may have been a time when I kicked my husband out of our bed to fetch me Doritos Locos tacos in the middle of the night (without a pregnancy craving, mind you). Make them simple, make them fancy...come one, come all, tacos - I got you!
You guys - I told you I'm shamelessly basic. There's just something about a rom-com that holds this super special place in my heart & gives me all the feels regardless of how utterly predictable it ends. Happy endings give girls hope that stupid boys try to squash with a constant reminder that they're unrealistic, but poo on that news! Your happy ending is 100% possible, girl...with or without boombox-blaring, standing-on-the-hood-of-a-car, love-confession, slow-clap, kissing-in-the-rain ending. Your life is what you make it & I choose to make it freaking awesome...glitter and all. BOOM!