I have the blessing to freeze in time little moments in your life to always treasure.  You are fearfully & wonderfully made - and that should be celebrated! I thrust myself into the industry of photography as a hobby that quickly turned into a way of personal expression & balancing between both sides of my brain that I live in. 
My clients are real ((amazing, extraordinary)) people; not models! They are men, women, kids & young adults among your every day life. They're the women you sweat next to at Barre, the kids you face against on the football field, they're business owners, they're nervous or fiery and 9-5ers ((insert Dolly Parton chorus)). They know that life is short and freeze-framing moments is utterly important. When my client books an appointment, they're  scheduling an investment for themselves to cherish for a lifetime! 

it's all about

the details

I offer a variety of photographic opportunities through my mini-sessions. These are great for little moments like holidays or special occasions & are great for young kids who can only sit still for a small amount of time. I love to celebrate women embracing their unique beauty through intimates, also known as boudoir. These sessions are so freeing & empowering and I encourage every woman to give this gift to HERSELF at least once in her life. My favorite thing of all time is high school seniors. There is something so magical about these young adults in this pivotal moment in time. It's so incredible to see them close the door to a very long chapter in their life before opening the door to the rest of it. For real - fireworks! I also offer engagement sessions & professional head shots. Reach out to me to learn more about wedding photography as my availability can be limited. 




Mini Sessions are subject to change depending on the theme, but generally fall under the same rules: 
Sessions last 15-20 minutes at a specific & predetermined location. Only available during mini session promotions.
1 outfit.

Includes 5 digital images unless otherwise specified + usually a special feature (social media cover, etc).


standard package

The Standard Package consists of 30 minutes shooting time at a predetermined location.
This time allows for 1-2 outfits if an outfit change is desired. 
This package guarantees 10-15 images. 

Digital images will be available through your private, online gallery.

Extended package

The Extended Package consists of 45 minutes shooting time at a predetermined location.
This time allows for 2-3 outfits if an outfit change is desired.
This package guarantees 15-20 images.

Digital images will be available through your private, online gallery.




more time & images per package ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
-wedding prices available via email communication

elite package

The Elite Package consists of 60 minutes shooting time at a predetermined location.
This time allows for 3+ outfits if an outfit change is desired.
This package guarantees 25+ images; a full album essentially.

Digital images will be available through your private, online gallery.

