Welcome to my corner of the world where truth-bombs & heart-filled confessions pour themselves into this web journal. I've spent an embarrassing amount of hours in my bathtub, over countless glasses of wine, attempting to tastefully turn my life lessons into shareable + applicable insight for others. It's for any woman doing her very best every day to find hope in knowing that her love, her truth, and her strength is bigger than any battle.
Believe in What You Prayed For (hope is not faith) I’ve hit my knees more in the past 3 months than I feel I’ve done in the last year. I don’t mean that in the sense that I’ve been absent in my relationship and communication with the Lord, either, because we talk. But the […]
A Rock Higher Than I (getting above the waves) When Soul Surfer hit Netflix, it was one of those “watch it 8 times in a row” type of moments. There are few movies where I want to watch it continuously, soak it all in, and never grow tired of it. This is one of those […]
Our Deepest Desires (by way of gatherings) The best food I ever ate? Or the best time I ever had around a table of food? This was the question I asked myself when it was time for me to sit down and do the homework for this week in my book club. We’re reading […]
Remind Me You’re Here (when faith feels far) I remember the moment that I heard God. It gives me bumps all over my body distinctively remembering the sound of His voice. I haven’t told many people this story, #one – because it’s hard for me to recall it without choking up & crying in […]