Welcome to my corner of the world where truth-bombs & heart-filled confessions pour themselves into this web journal. I've spent an embarrassing amount of hours in my bathtub, over countless glasses of wine, attempting to tastefully turn my life lessons into shareable + applicable insight for others. It's for any woman doing her very best every day to find hope in knowing that her love, her truth, and her strength is bigger than any battle. 


pour a cup

chat with Cam...

faith-based devotionals

Mise en Place (preparation & how not to burn your bacon) 

Mise en Place (preparation & how not to burn your bacon)  If you love cooking shows in the honest effort to improve your cooking skills yet chronically fail to execute them like I do, then you have undoubtedly heard someone saying the words ‘mise en place‘ a time or two. If you’re unfamiliar with what […]

May 27, 2020


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Let Them Eat Cake (I prefer the bread)

  Let Them Eat Cake (I prefer the bread) Even if history wasn’t your favorite class in school or you used the time other people were reading aloud to practice the art of nail-painting or composition notebook doodling, you’re familiar with the popular quote as it holds to be one of the most famous in […]

May 4, 2020


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When Storms Rage (flowers bloom)

  When Storms Rage (flowers bloom) If you haven’t caught onto it yet, I’m a flickering flame burning to a great quote. What I mean by that is that a simple moment, a short line, a little quip lights a fire within me to run with my thoughts & emotions in the way it applies […]

April 20, 2020


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Today is a Gift (doing better to live in the present) 

  Today is a Gift (doing better to live in the present) Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today is a gift; that’s why it’s called the present. This quote spoke to me immediately the first time I heard it & I continue to reference it when my head gets cluttered and I allow […]

April 13, 2020


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